Brandon Jones - SA:MP Server

- "I ordered my service about a week ago and haven't had any issues with my service. The speed is fast and the support team answered my questions quickly!"

MattyLee - MultiMart Reviewer

- "The service is very fast and is great value for it's money. Also the packages are instantly set up so you do not have to wait."

Mark Svorov - SA:MP Server

- "I have heard many good things about this host and decided to buy my own server. The host is very fast and the control panel is very simple to use. The support is very helpful. I have used lots of other hosts but this is the best one so far."

Johnny Cruz - SA:MP Server, SA:MP Hosted Tab & Web Hosting

- " - one word for them, amazing, I'm a customer of them and can assure you they care about all of their customers. Everything is instant and their customer support is amazing."